Saturday, July 2, 2011

Crochet SKKS' Goo Yong Ha

Finally, our outgoing, bright color loving, adorable Yeorim. :D (Click on pic to see it bigger.)

Picture reference.

Front. Aigoo...the string from his hat makes his face look larger than it really is. XD

Right. Yup, he's wearing bright pink. LOL!

Left. I made his hat a little different from Lee Sun Joon's. *grins*


'Sungkyunkwan Scandal' group pic. ^__^


  1. The colors for his outfit is pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  2. omo, he is here. :DDD fluffey yeorim ftw. HE LOOKS SO CUTE & PWEETY GAH. <3 i so luv the striking pink u use for his jacket. and the blush on his cheeks~ *squishes* the group pic is win. ;Db

    great job, umma. *huggles* best of luck in the contest. have fun. ^^ ♥

  3. @missvue09...thanx, dear. ^^

    @espressoluv...yes, he is. hehe~
